north-american possums! work fatigue grouses; singaporean; ex-poet and writer; former convent girl; converted, convicted and painfully quiet; bibliophilic; skyscrapers; weather-talk; dining alone on sashimi; your life with Jesus; banging heads with problems; looking from afar; loving my xiongmao; peanuts & anchovies; battlestar galatica; novella dreams and paranoai: holding onto you.

May 2002

June 2002

July 2002

August 2002

September 2002

October 2002

November 2002

December 2002

January 2003

February 2003

March 2003

April 2003

May 2003

July 2003

August 2003

September 2003

October 2003

November 2003

December 2003

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May 2004

June 2004

July 2004

August 2004

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July 2005

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November 2005

December 2005

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May 2006

June 2006

July 2006

August 2006

October 2006

November 2006

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Thursday, June 27, 2002

i didn't go to the library yesterday.. or anywhere near the sea for the matter.
i tried reading jose saramago again on the bus. had a headache (not from the book though). the book's like a daily shot of ponderings and musings about life but afterwhile, it gets too overwhelming. (see the 2nd last entry) life becomes too dry after a few hours of thinking.

ok the next food i'm hankering for is.. raw fish porridge. yeah i settled my indian food craving from the indian stall near my hse that sells thosai. yummmsss... pity they don't have the youghurt cream..

today's entry is pretty disjointed but that's me. :) till the end of the day, i might just tie up the loose ends of past events or once again.. fall asleep on my bed without brushing my teeth. :D

but i do have several things on my mind and i can't really say them coz it's really personal stuff to me that i just am not comfortable sharing with people. even my love ones. when i do start sharing them, i guess i just get a little crazy, and i'll start shouting or crying (or both) all over again. i don't really want to live life like that. i've got problems, sure, but that doesn't mean i can't move on right.
although it's not very good to deny that you're in shit hole and try moving on with life...
what i'm trying to aim at is.
have as much self-awareness as possible and leave the messy tangled ends to God, whilst i continue with my life and face each situation with the best ability that i can.

just food for thought today.. (it's some leftovers carried from last night's meeting in church but still fresh)
For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.

Wednesday, June 26, 2002

hmm.. i'm going to the library again. cheap and good entertainment.
what i really feel like doing today is take a boat out to south china sea and just scoot around till sundown. head back home for a bbq, have some beer, and pass out happily on a hammock.
yeah.. :)

Tuesday, June 25, 2002

ok feel like in the crapping mood. gonna spend out all the life in my brain cells so i can "concuss" on the bed later. this colloquial shit is pretty charming i think. pardon the kooky spelling.

so about the books i've read.
i'm done with the solomon one. very good book on how this spoilt talented rich brat can't get over the death of his mother who had cancer. love the humane and sentimental prose. nothing too verbose but beware.. the protagonist sure can ramble and yakyak like me. :)

then the saramago one.
the only interesting thing is he's portuguese and he's some nobel laurete blah blah...introduction is really interesting but .. hmm. if you like milan kundera, you might like this guy too. otherwise it was good enough for me to read the back cover and start on my own novel.
another +/- point: on one of my "duh" moments (which unfortunately are not few and far apart due to the sleepy haze induced by lying on my bed), his yakkity philosophy can get quite overwhelming.

lastly the cat thing.
downright silly. no point reading it. if you love cats, you'll hate this book. this novel's really about someone posturing as a cat. how lame can you get right. such a pity since i do like japanese novels, being inspired by murakami...
but there's always a plus point: for those interested in early 20th century japanese life and reading one of the first modern writers of japanese fiction. sounds like a potential term paper topic to me if anything else.

my escapade into fiction has led me to intellectual wasteland once again where demi gods battle over minuscule bits of prose and dogs eat the crumbs that fall off the master's table.

BIG err...

arrgh! why i keep on thinking it's the month of may still. kuku. then again,
another kuku thing.
my pictures only load up when you visit another page and then back click to my blog. it's

lots of crazy things happened today. well the bad stuff piled up at the end of the day. besides that i seriously had not too bad a time before the bad stuff. i ate bua-ka-lat. a nonya black curry dish and. otah. both my sister made. amazing huh! simply sedap. hehe. :) then i had a great time discussing about drama stuff with my christian friends.
so actually i should be happy today..

and i am right now. taken me quite a while to cool off. it's already 3 am. called my gf to talk to her and when i couldn't get her, called my bf. and i yakked and yakked with him. sobbed my heart out. then wake up my mum at 12.30am and yakked and yakked with her. teared alittle and felt much better. sorry bee. hehe. but you are still the best! we are definately meeting 29th may lah i guess for the b-dae celebrate good times yahoo.

err. that's about it lah for today. can't say much about the bad stuff coz... my shell's not smashed yet and i'm not slugging around the garden patch.. yet..

Saturday, June 22, 2002

you're the only reason
why i still have
a reason
to smile today.

when i cannot see clearly,
i know that you are with me
and you can see how
deep the wound can go sometimes.
it's not right.
of course for me to pursue
the end of the dagger as it scores
the surface of a beating heft of flesh.

but you are faithful.
you are faithful my God to me
and i see my healing in your eyes.
and your illusion
is my reality.
is my dream.
is my truth.

i think i'm dead meat. i'm trying to be realli ambitious. writing my report in verse form... i think it majorly sucks but i don't care. gotta just do it and chin up.. face the consequences. *bleh*.
on the other hand, it's the single most "fun" thing i've done in a long time. yippee.. just hope i remember how i feel now before my edidioter slashes and censors it like mad. :)

Friday, June 21, 2002

Just a confession to make. these few days i've been feeling pretty restless and finicky. i could not sit still. i always had to be on the go, whether it's reading a book, watching tv, listening to a cd or simply picking up a fight and a quarrel with my love ones.. (yikes), i've been one restless horrible person the entire week. (which explains why i had such a long piece for the last recent entry).

but today i'm feeling quite settled. you know wat's the cure, doing God's work and abiding in Jesus. yes and amen!. :D i'm feeling really happy and contented because ,finally, i can rest.

Matthew 11:29
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you will find rest for your souls.

and substantial food for thought, the cut of the week, sirloin beef: Hebrew 4:1-11
God bless and have a great weekend everyone.

Thursday, June 20, 2002

i have the continuous taste of blood in my mouth. no blood curling thoughts for you but my wisdom tooth got cranked out and the wound's crinkling with the occasional taste of tomato juice, everytime i slurp back...
ok it's gross. :)
i'm still hankering for my indian food. i'm still mindful of an adventure for my life yet i'm busy doing nothing. i borrowed a couple of great books to read. i got an article to write for my church newsletter about the church camp.
something yesterday got me really excited. though i didn't write it down immediately coz i always get extremely lethargic around the house when i return home. i don't know why but after dinner, the next thing i'll do is just lie down on my bed, think of something far out and then the zzzs begin to creep in. so it always ends up that i take my bath and brush my teeth around 2am?

i may be going to the philippines at the end of this year for a some-sort of mission trip. and i'll be going with my other drama mates to reach out to the varsity people there in "bargio" (not 2 sure of the spelling). the news was pretty sudden but i'm not too taken aback. i just feel it's quite natural for me to do this. it's like an unconscious smooth progression from my school play to this. but then there's a hidden confession i've not made to my church mates. i don't like drama. i just do it because it's something like a halfway house for me, artistic sense. poetry is always first, then prose and then dialogue.
i'm just down on my luck these few.. days.. months.. coming to a blardy year to the last poem i've written.
my output is truly pathetic. i woud have a thought but the magic or the discipline isn't there for me long enough to transform thought into verse form. but i do have my thoughts so i save any creative juices i have into the next most available output and that is a script.
how do i explain this. a script to me is a cup of tea. like popping a coke can. caramel,water,caffeine,soda,blah. but a cup of coffee. you got to get the steaming of the milk at the right temperature, for an exact amount of time. then you got to know is it the milk comes first then the coffee or which. and you can't be lazy and just microwave your milk then pour it over your coffee. it's just not the same . then the beans. are you making a mocha, an espresso or just a skinny latte... what is skinny?

you have to ask yourself lots of questions. you got to make sure that the blend of circumstances, on-hand materials and ambience are swirling at the right temperature, in the right direction...

sigh i hate this whole coffee metaphor thing. though most of my impressionable age was spent in cafes and absorbing coffee molecules with the folds of my clothes and skin, i think it's blardy time i move on to.. what..

bubble tea????

anyway.. i'm really excited about this bargio thing, whether i'm going as a drama team or not. i have not been travelling for ages and the renovated causeway made me gasp like a sua-ku. i have not had a vision for a very long time. nearly all the time i feel like an amoeba. very very sad. and now something challenging is materialising in front of me. yes storm or tempest, this lil boat is getting sick of the placid lake.

Tuesday, June 18, 2002

mmmm... woke up at 11am today and with good reason for this really late hour, coz i was fiddling with this blog bogger at 3am. :) today i feel like catching a photo exhibit at this reeally odd named gallery called "plastique kinetic worms". wish i could eat indian food there but i think it's a little unsafe to go there at night with 2 other girls.
my parents are going out for dinner on their own. i wish for them the best. i still feel strangely disconnected from the whole bizarre and nerve-wrecking experience... i have no idea what's going on in my brain... do you?

well in short a miracle.
just when the whole family quarrel was really taking a turn for the worse,
the next day
my parents make up.
i see them at church.
and they're rededicating their lives back to God.
yet somehow to all this,
i feel that nothing much has changed.
and you know that makes me feeling sadder
than when this whole mess started.

according to the myer and briggs test. let's see..
i was a INTP back in junior college,
now that i'm in the university and having experience more of the ups and downs of life,
i'm now an INFP

Saturday, June 15, 2002

i know now that i've turned into one raving lunatic. but really.. who really cares..
right now. taking stock.
i still believe in jesus.
i'm still optimistic. too optimistic for my own good.
i don't know how to say quits.
i don't know how to punch you down.
i am having a headache coz i need my sleep but i don't want to sleep coz i don't want to stop, rest and find myself thinking about the whole mess again.
i desire to carry on with my life no matter what. i need routine now. badly.
i may write something in response to whatever.
i'm trying to set up my webpage. very slowly.
i have to face final showdown between victim and offender. 9pm at my house. sunday

i think i have to brush my teeth first. :)

everything happened way to suddenly. i was on my bed. in the brink of twilight zone and brilliant tuesday morning. heard my parents quarrelling. heard my mum being sarcastic to my dad about an affair he had..
an affair?
i'm dreaming. i'm still counting sheep. my bedroom door opens several times. my mum is checking whether i'm really asleep. but i'm feigning it. i know wat's going on. but i want my mind to zonk out. i want to just laugh over what i tht was psycho-paranoai of my mum.
then confession. i hear it. my sis hears it. and her husband too. and i can't think.

it's been two days since then.

two blardy long days. everyday i just beat back my need to detach myself.
everyday i cry over the phone to my bf. and i've not cried enough. i don't care really.
everyday i remain silent as both parties start on guilt trips and confessions and blardy shit dirty laundry.
everyday it just eats me up and then.
i've really got nothing. or anyone to understand. to hold me. to tell me that damn it girl. you're paranoid. it's going to be alright.
find i'm in my lulu land. so shit you ok.

coz my dad had an affair. and my mum is psycho-pissed. and i'm stuck in the middle of both of them. and the worst part.
i'm not 5 anymore.
i can't just cry it all away. flare my tantrums.
i'm not 14 anymore.
i can't run away. take a bus. find solace in a cafe.
i'm not 18 anymore.
i can't make impulsive decisions with my life with the same spontaneity and naivity of consequences. damn damn.
i'm a sickening 20.
one more age to legal adult hood.
which means less protection from the law.
which means you're free.
which means you're parents aren't going to stay together "becos of the kids"
which means everyone expects you to "grow up" and "understand" and act all
disgustingly poised and calm.

i hate the system.
i hate the stupid statistics that says blah(any stupid no.) out of every blah (another cursed number) marriage ends up in divorce.
i hate the curses, the predictions, the reality of it all.

*just sad and really tired at 3am*

Friday, June 14, 2002

my family sucks. it's just plain ordinary. i hate you.

Saturday, June 08, 2002

ok now something to really praise God for. I tell you once diary.. but i'll say it again. though i may be weeping but inside there is full of joy in me. i'm happy and sad. contented but challenged.

i got 1B, 2As and 1A-
not bad huh... actually improved. :). thanks Jesus.

ok alright. i have a responsibility to make my updates better so here goes.

about the production. everything was so hilarious. i was practically freaking out at the backstage at every mistake my actors were making but now looking back it's just plain silly. of course that is a real dipper to any aspiration of being professional. but it's time i just wake and realise that the whole production was handled so amateurly.. so what u expect girl!
the few hilarious things that happened. one of the actors farted on stage. one forgot to zip up his pants. everyone thought my play was too abstract and not sensational enough. nearly everyone loved the last play ... comedy shakespears that's what they want!.

so any ambitions to do all this again my girl??
maybe. you never the lord directs. i really do feel for this stinkhole city and its people. i really feel i can contribute just one more stuff if i had too. but other than that, no big plans.
what else have you been getting yourself involved in?
really feel it's none of your business but since i'm at it i might as well carry on.

i had a church camp from 3rd to 6th of june. really knew a bunch of characters and got in touch with many private lives. i'm not trying to say in a nice way that i got updated on the latest gossip but rather, i feel i'm understanding people much better and building my character not to judge them. very vague statement but that's the nearest i can come to actually gossiping about other people.
during the camp, got some of my ideas about God and my life sorted out. like i said previously..

1. i really do feel something for this stinkhole nation afterall. seriously. i think for now i feel that many people in this country need God and an answer to their problems. i just want to help. i just want to help people understand their situations better. give them a new POV. i want to change the way singaporeans have always viewed our nation as. i really do think i'm getting somewhere but we'll see how.
2. i know what exactly i have to do with my relationship with my non-christian bf. not to break up.. nah. i'm not at that stage but just something really important that i have to speak my mind about enough said.
3. i feel fired up for God honestly but at the same time i'm really weary too. the whole camp was abt pple badgering me about my bf and me. at times it was quite liberating talking to people about my problems but most of the time it was down right insensitive and too busy-body for their own good too. i just want to shut them up but i don't so i'm bearing a burden that i should not even be bearing. i don't know.

you know what's the wierdest part? i feel like i'm moving on in my life but then again i'm not. sometimes i just want to cry because i'm so tired of all this shit. i'm so worn out. i'm creatively sponged out. i can't write for nuts. i can't even write a single poem anymore. i don't like watching movies .. arty movies because they have all turned crap. everything is about war, love, sex. homos, drugs, murder.. as if i haven't enough about how life sucks and how pple-just-make-the-best-out-of-a-bad-situation... shit!! wake up you know! i mean it doesn't have to be this way! u don't have to be stuck in it!! wat has happened to our ordinary lives! we live in it day in and day out and we're not satisfied we want something to thrill us, excite us, inspire us... nonsense! i just want to look at my life and realise that God is in my life. in my midst. he's not some cloud in the sky just passing by, looking over us and chuckling with a nice mug of hot chocolate!! he's right here!!

blind bats.

i sometimes just want to cry.

it's already the 6th of june. lots of things have happened. don't really know where to start. i feel like a dog with wings. ?? beats me too. some days i wish i can just hop onto my starship cruiser and begin zapping aliens.
as u can see today i'm rather spaced out. i do'nt really want to think too much. which means.. i do have lots of things to think about.. like 1. the crazy dreams i'm having. one moment i'm dreaming that i'm going to be a prophet. then next i get prayed over by reinhard bonke who was a prophet in my dream but real life he is an evangelist!. the whole dream has spooked me out and i really don't want to think about.. that's why i'm resorting to winged dogs and starship cruisers. help!


a little pilotfly is a powerful thing
wired fiction
motel 6
power of the
living God

bible gateway
ben israel
christian classics
ethereal library

pinky's mum
merriam webster
what i cooked last night
Katy's World: Randomly life

krunchypeanuts...once u pop u can't stop...daily trivia with a dose of social responsibility...a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down...let's say we try...oh Lord how we try...