north-american possums! work fatigue grouses; singaporean; ex-poet and writer; former convent girl; converted, convicted and painfully quiet; bibliophilic; skyscrapers; weather-talk; dining alone on sashimi; your life with Jesus; banging heads with problems; looking from afar; loving my xiongmao; peanuts & anchovies; battlestar galatica; novella dreams and paranoai: holding onto you.

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Saturday, August 30, 2003

this is not going to be another "poor me" session.

Dad and i fetched my mum from hospital today. when i saw her last night, completely drugged out by the anaesthesia, i just stroked her hand. its so shiny and smooth. literally shiny coz all these years she's been washing most of the dishes while i trot off to do my homework or laze around. shiny because it's become impervious to anything that might harm it. I'm thinking of how my skin gets burnt everytime i stay too long in the sun while my mum's skin just turns brown and becomes shiny.

i sent an email to Dr. Goh about doing my thesis on japanese novels and he says the possibility of that happening is near zero. Nothing has really struck me. Nothing has really made me feel like this is what i would love to do. Even with the rejection of a possible thesis, i don't feel sadness or disappointment.

it looks like i can go on but i can't. i'm getting too sleepy and too lethargic for this.

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

i'm getting quick sick of studying. I've done my readings for tomorrow's class quite some time ago. Bad thing about doing readings in advance is I can't quite remember what i Read. screw it. tried to read proust and managed to make some progress but eventually succumbed to a snooze. i can't wait to stake out at the coffee express in kinokuniya. the outdoor veranda is quite a haven to me coz it takes me away from the stifled, cold air of the bookstore. plus, it's the highest outdoor place i can be, which brings me much closer to the sky. The clouds, the colours, the light that reflects off the windows of adjacent buildings. the distant sound of the traffic and warm sun with one cup of japanese sencha...

i wonder if it's sad or terribly normal that i never really get what i want, or at least the things that i think i need the most.

lately too, i've been sneezing alot or suffering from running nose. happens in the morning when i've just woken up. It could just be my sinus working up but i have another theory. it's my left eye that's causing my nose to suffer. i'm suffering a nagging irritation in my left eye that just won't go away, so that's why i'm not wearing contact lens for the past weeks. I've had the problem before and it's nothing serious. I should have dug out that special eye drops earlier.
Tonight i pray i will not have any weird dreams. I will not drink too much tea before i sleep today coz i can't bear the waking in the middle of the night to pee anymore. i just want sweet sleep, a good morning with lots of sun or ... hmm...

just a day with plenty of time to waste. :) nights

Monday, August 25, 2003

feeling cranky and tired. ok i've done my readings. not all though cos i'm left with my reading for Paradise Lost. i'm starting to have a running nose. i feel my eyes going into a slow burn and my thoughts turning mushier and less coherent by the minut.e
Before i experience my melt down, thought i'll just surf the net and let my fingers do the "talking"?

i took one and a half hours to reach home by car. Yessiree. My dad picked me from school today and we decided to stop over at a mooncake shop in Macpherson to pick up our complimentary box of delicious, yummy and oh so addictive - mooncakes. I go over the moooon for them. perhaps it's such a seasonal goodie that i go alittle insane over them. my favourite type of mooncake is baked skin, single yolk with lotus seed. And definately bean paste! Oh but the ultimate people, is white skin. However it is so difficult to get the right taste, texture. The sin bakeries often commit in moulding white skin mooncakes, is that the white skin is too sweet... yelk!

then my dad decided to get some durians. i'm actually quite neutral to durians, that is my secret. i pretend to really hate them when in fact, i only just dislike em. Coz they're "heaty" wat else!

another quick dose of blogging. feeling kinda guilty for not uploading my thoughts sooner. Well the guilt i'm feeling is more of the procrastination i've been giving to myself. A good idea surfaces in my thoughts and i would know it would be good material for blogging but procrastination gets the better of me.

So even now, i'm blogging this in the midst of other worries like readings, presentations and other school related stuff. But glad i'm making time for this activity..

where am i going with this post?

good question. nowhere actually. the idea of words and rambling thoughts appearing on the screen, from the source of my unconscious state is rather intriguing. as you can see, i've recently been indoctrinated by Freud from one of my "honors" classes. If anyone thought of derrida when you saw those quotation marks around honors, please spare me!

but back to the concrete world, real events if there is ever such a thing. Sunday i went to church with my family - dad, mum, aunt (and) hannon. it was quite an event as my aunt never goes to church. recently, she had been diagnosed with a particular form of arthritis known in short as AS. (pun, irony, sarcasm not intended). She was expecting the worse before this diagnosis as the doctor told her she might have lupus. What is lupus? It's when a person's immune system goes on overdrive and starts to attack healthy cells. If i'm not wrong, "lupus" means(probably french? not too sure...) for wolf. And one of the symptoms of lupus was that patients had a scarring that looked like a wolf's bite...

Apparently, scarring was not one of the worst symptoms an individual could have. Lupus patients could suffer from organ failure or even go insane. It's treatable but not curable and one would have to be on medication as long as they lived.

So you can see why my aunt got depressed, so depressed that her friend's son came to stay with her for a week to comfort her. My aunt is single. Divorced and her husband attends my church with his wife. He says that they couldn't work out because my aunt had a radical change in sexual orientation. I would rather reserve my judgement on this. firstly, my aunt never admitted it. I've never seen her "girlfriends" before. My family is quite liberal actually, considering my uncle with his guy are integral members of the family. This means that my aunt could bring along her gf to our family meetings without much fuss. (ok that's not a very good point).

anyway, that's all in the past. But things were starting to get a little strained when my aunt met her ex-husband in church. at the end of the service, a pastor prayed for my aunt's illness but he spent more time praying for her depression and state of mind instead. As he prayed and i joined in as well, i could feel God's love being poured out on her. When someone whom you love does something or says something so wonderful, you feel in your guts that you're being loved, a physical sensation courses through you. Could be the endorphins. :) But that's exactly how i felt when i was praying for my aunt too, just multiply that a couple of times.

God is amazing.

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

ooohh.. now for a quickie dose of blogging. After this i'll be rushing to school for my critical theory class where my brains would do a triple sommersault and end up on its belly. hehe i don't know what that means.

last night my mum and dad had another one of their quarrels. i know that sentence is supposed to sound so blase, like these things happen all the time in my household and i'm immune to it. But i'm not quite immune to such things. How can one ever be numb to the pain of others? I don't really believe in stoicism but sometimes, when one is out of strength, it is a convenient thing to fall back upon. Anyway back to topic of my parents quarrelling. This time they were quarreling about the phone calls my dad has been making to the philippines, about the suspicious additional handphone and no. my dad has been keeping. In other words, my dad is still in contact with the woman he had an affair with.

This woman has a name of course. but i don't want to give her the dignity of saying her name.

I'm sad that my dad doesn't love my mum anymore. Even more sad that my mum has to go through so much pain. But through the whole painful process, i can say that my mum is becoming a better person. As they quarrelled, i prayed for them. but after awhile, when the quarrel showed no signs of abating, i stopped praying because i realised that i had to get on with my own life like for one doing my readings and assignments...

life still goes on. i just do my part in this whole situation. Though i can't see the promised end, my parents reconciling and loving each other again, i at least am comforted by the fact that God is in control of the situation. sorry if this sounds preachy to you but writing this down serves as a faithful reminder to myself. whenever i'm in doubt, worry or sad, i know that i can trust Him for all things.

today i woke up and found my dad's lotions and sprays in the living room laying on the floor. Some pillows and a neatly folded blanket were left on the sofa. my dad is a neat and organised kind of person. somehow, i feel these are the only things he is in control of. He has the tendency to rely solely on his own sense of judgement and rational conclusions about matters. That would be a good balance to my mum's passionate temperaments but sadly, both are in their own extremes..

oopsie. i wonder where all this is leading. gotta go grab lunch and off to school.

from my rambling thoughts to you with love.

Sunday, August 10, 2003

cr@ppers! that thursday night staying up late, trying to redesign the blog is so wasted! look at this website and you'll know what i mean. cheaters!
Blog skins *grimace*.

it's a quiet sunday evening for me. I've not gone to my bf's house. well he says i shouldn't coz he's spending the whole evening watching soccer and his parents have only food that's been prayed for (or dedicated to the hungry ghosts or deities) so... there won't be any appetising things to eat. well, would you think that eating rye bread, campbell soup and honey bake ham can be really appetising? Maybe i'm just too expensive and fussy to be maintained. But i don't regret not going to his house. In fact, i love it here right at home. parents are out feasting in Little India and i've got privacy and cool fusion jazz on the radio 90.5fm. The crazy busy life of the day is slowing down and i'm beginning to feel less frazzled, relaxing at last...

I don't know what this might imply of my plans to settle down with hannon. I guess i'm going to miss solitude. I'm going to miss just having a private space for myself and my thoughts. But, i don't think i can plan for such things. it will just come and i only pray that i react in the best way possible.

So i've broached the topic of marriage. well, those close to me are beginning to ask when the date is. Can't say we have set a time and specific day yet but the earliest would be next year. However if my opinion counts, then i would say a more realistic date would probably be in the year 2005. The longer time is really for both us to be as much as we can be prepared, in terms of the logistics and of course the spiritual aspect. Hannon has yet to be baptised. I'm not asking him to rush into it. He has supposedly set a time for that so again, it's a wait-and-see kinda situation.

Whenever i'm plagued with doubts of whether hannon is the one, or just depressed about the way some things are between us, at times i tell myself that i have to wait and see. Wait and listen more, talk less. observe more and remain silent, instead of always speaking up about circumstances. This needs lots of patience and self-control coz i love to fly off the handle when i don't like something and demand that the situation be rectified asap.

But as i've learnt through much tears and heart aches, you can't just make things happen. And even when they do happen, the worst or best thing is that it always happens in the most unexpected manner possible. One day, Hannon just woke up and said that it was time for him to be a christian. Man, i wasn't even ready when it happened. Although i had been waiting for that day for what seemed like an eternity, but when it happened it just caught me by surprise. A question, which left me squirming then at the thought of it, reared its ugly head up in my thoughts and i didn't expect it to, thinking that i had covered all corners. The question was whether i was really prepared to share my life and convictions with this person after all these years of solo journeying.

I'm readying my heart to answer "yes" to that question with conviction. I don't think i'm suffering from cold feet, i've just got a selfish streak. :) the jazz is too blardy good. speaking of jazz, listened to an album by nicholas payton. His tribute to louis armstrong with orchestras, his own trumpet and a B3 Hammond (if i'm not mistaken) is pretty cool...

Saturday, August 09, 2003

feeling tired and lethargic, even after sleeping for 10 hours. i woke up at 4.45am, blinked and rolled over to my handphone to sms my friend to wake up too. We were supposed to go to the early morning prayer at church but... there just wasn't any. Public holiday. does God have holidays?
Not to say i'm complaining but felt a little disgruntled that i made the effort in the first place to wake up.

So being awake, i said a short prayer for our nation and promptly went back to sleep, to dreaming about my secondary school (st. nicks). It has always been a common setting for nearly all of my dreams. That's weird right. I wonder what's triggering all these memories and dreams. Could it be that there's an unresolved issue in my past, in particular my secondary school days?

*yawns* the sheer energy to psychoanalyse my dreams is too much to summon up for now. in the midst of typing this blog entry, i'm thinking whether to reveal a dirty secret to my three best pals. I guess if i've typed this out and posted it, there isn't much of a choice left to reveal or not. In my own paperbound journal, i've listed out all the dirty secrets in my life that i won't just let anyone know. Most of the secrets are things to do with the past. But i bet there are even more that would certainly include the things that i've "unwittingly" left out of my conversations or interactions with different groups of people. You could say that the situation at the moment did not call for one to speak on certain matters. However, there is still the choice to withhold and divulge information. So perhaps there is no such thing as "unwittingly" too.

*bigger y@wns* and this issue cannot be resolved in just one saturday morning. i'm feeling tired. Today i'll be spending time with my babes, watching a movie, hanging out. Something pleasant to look forward to. Although it's doing the same ole thing, in the same place but thank God, it's still with the same ole person. :)

Thursday, August 07, 2003

i've done the most inane thing of my life, having wasted nearly 3 hours on uploading photos to an online photo album. For what it's worth, you can take a look at
nifty button huh.

it's early in the morning. 1.30am. i'd rather be sleeping, an attempt to return to my usual sleep cycle before the school term starts. But seriously, i've always been a morning person that means sleeping early, waking up early kinda routine. so why the exception this time around?

Beside the photo album, there's also the sudden urge to put the thoughts of today on paper... on screen. So this entry would not be so much for your reading pleasure, if that can be considered most tragic then i'm sorry. And thus, be forewarned that i might ramble and be incoherent. (just like roadblocks and potholes on a highway)

read the book of Genesis today. I picked up the bible late in the evening. Certainly not the norm for me because i try to do it first thing in the morning. However, throughout the entire day(-time) i'd been behaving like the prodigal son, not contented with God and running away to find fulfillment and entertainment else where. I was so freakin bored and had the last straw when my mum insisted i should stay at home for the notorious, infamous lemon chicken. If you ever see me roll my eyes when my dad is trying to invite everyone to eat lemon chicken, please understand that i eat this nearly once every week. And Everytime without exception when guests are coming to the house.

So prodigal girl went to town, spent sinful amount of money on coffee and fast food. Coming home, feeling guilty that i've neglected God the entire day. Coming back to Genesis. my excuses were making their way, sandwiching between me and bible. i felt tired. i felt bored *again*, irritable, tantrum-prone... But i managed to make it to the first verse and got stuck.

God made heaven and earth. But there's no mention of the process in which He made heaven. Were the details omitted because our puny mortal minds would not be able to comprehend anyway? Or, did God only speak when he made the earth but not Heaven? Thus, a reason why there is only the illustration of the creation of earth, and not heaven, is that only in the creation of earth do you see the working of the trinity of God clearly. God who thought and spoke the word (the word is christ Jesus) and the Spirit who manifested the work of the word.

i know that ah-huh moment wasn't that great. But did you know how wonderful it was to just sit still and think about the words and the sentences? Never have i sat so still, said and did so little... and enjoyed myself in the presence of God. That madame jean guyon book inspired me to do this. ok i might have spelt her name wrongly but i will check it up and confirm when i write again... At first when i read what she wrote, i thought it was too spiritual - as in it sounded too spooky and little risky to do what she seemed to be encouraging in her words..

and there was so much more. i could only get to the fourth day (hmm i think. first was day and night. second was atmosphere and water. third was sea and land) when God made fruits and seeds. The first day that God had created night and day was amazing to me! SO incredibly mind blowing. why He made night and day first in the whole sequence of events is worth thinking about. My take on the significance of day and night is that day and night is a metaphor for time. Remember, he had not created the sun i think (that comes on the fifth day? haven't gotten that far...) He created the first cycle of time. When day turns into night, there is one cycle and it carries you forward into time. I think that there was only the concept of eternity but then God created time. It is only in this section of verses that the bible mentioned that the first day had passed. The first day had not passed when the earth was formed and it was empty; the spirit hovering over the waters. By the end of the first day, there was a past , a present and a future. And God is in the present, in the now. So our actions at the moment, in the present matter to Him and thus the concept of repenting before him can be worked out. "If you hear the voice of the Lord today", repent... I also doubt He had to plan ahead when He created earth...

when on the 2nd day He separated the water of the expanse from that below, the thought that came into my mind was dimensions. foremost is Height and Depth. When speaking of dimensions especially Height and Depth, i'm reminded of God's love as described by Paul, David (psalms). Could Height and Depth also hint of the creation of gravity? ok that's just a sudden thought i had. I just sat and thought about God's love...

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

i'm going to visit my grand uncle who is in the ICU (intensive care unit), suffering from cancer. My dad asked me to pray that my Guncle will not suffer too much. suddenly i realise that it's already dark. my parents are supposed to pick me up about now. i'm feeling a little tired. i think i'm going to decline the opportunity to write for a church event, since i'm already tied up in planning a writing workshop for the herald team. Herald is the name of our inhouse church magazine. i'm so way over my head in this. the only way i could have gotten involved was to open my mouth and criticise the standard of editing and writing. As if i had any qualifications in the first place to give a good assessment of the situation, but i did it and now the writing workshop has become my responsibility.

But i don't regret the predicament my actions has landed me in. of course i hope i don't waste anyone's time but if they were willing to give me a shot, well they too have to shoulder the consequences of that decision :) *chuckle*.

ok more later and i'll give more thought to what i've just decided. my dad is here.


a little pilotfly is a powerful thing
wired fiction
motel 6
power of the
living God

bible gateway
ben israel
christian classics
ethereal library

pinky's mum
merriam webster
what i cooked last night
Katy's World: Randomly life

krunchypeanuts...once u pop u can't stop...daily trivia with a dose of social responsibility...a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down...let's say we try...oh Lord how we try...