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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
i am dreading to do my lesson plans so tt's why i'm here. 2 weeks overdue and there's the possibility my supervisor is coming to school tomorrow for an end of practicum assessment briefing. I am To@st if my work productivity continues at this rate.
today.. i have come to understand.. experience rather.. the reality of the saying (hope i got it right but if i didn't, you'll tell me right :0))The road to hell is paved with many good intentions
I realise that my good intentions and my so called best efforts, will not save the day any longer in terms of my class management. There always seems to be moments during my teaching where i had to decide: whether i wanted to admit that all that i have assumed, all that i have been zealous for is wrong or inappropriate for the moment. And i find when i admit that and accept the changes and corrections that come with it, my understanding of the situation increases. There was one time when i did that, and it backfired in my face which is to say, i should have just stuck to my guns. But most of the time it has worked out for the best.
I'm learning all this by just turning up for school and teaching 3 classes. And i think that this is something I want more of, even though it's very uncomfortable and humiliating/humbling (really the same thing i think). My sore-losing streak is severely tempered and im building the confidence to face my mistakes and not shrink back, find that dark little corner and sob sob sob.
Feel like Paul. I am not him but i think, i have come closer to understand a little of what Paul must have gone through after his experience on the road to Damascus. Your senses and mind are shakened to the core; You'll sit there dazed and nothing goes through your mind even when you try to think. But how blessed is that revelation when it has been worked out in our hearts, in our souls, in our minds and understanding, and in our spirits. What manner of strength, grace and faith is given to us so undeservingly that we are able to hope and to love in great measures despite the circumstances.
alright. gotta go now and finish lesson plans.
krunchypeanuts...once u pop u can't stop...daily trivia with a dose of social responsibility...a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down...let's say we try...oh Lord how we try...
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