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Thursday, January 09, 2003
i've been trying to update this blog two times. one near new year and one just two days ago but the blogger ran afoul and the cut-paste thing didn't work. so this is my third time. and i know very clearly that i've tried.
my parents are quarrelling now but this time it seems like my dad is 100% right and my mum's paranoai is getting on my dad's and mY nerves. today in the car, she said "if someone can love a woman so much, why can't someone love Jesus too?"...
oooooOoo.. tt was under the belt.
i'm surviving my first week too beeling. :) i'm getting the modules i want, my Independent Study Module is going well and Dr. Maiwald who is my ISM supervisor seems friendly, understanding and helpful. i'm really grateful that this sem is running smoothly. (typing this in the hall and listening to the silly quarrel is making my heart hurt, chest tightening...)
i was looking longingly at the sign outside breko, a cafe/bar in holland v. With shuying (my lead actress of my brief theatre experience) in the hot afternoon, the sign tempted me.. ooo.. 2 for the price of 10 bucks for beer... all dAy. :) hmmm... is it 10 bucks for beer for 2 people with refills all day or is it just merely about the price being 10 bucks all day... hmmMMmm...
ohh and now just an update of what i'm involved in these few days. Nothing to do with school though the USP has this talent festival coming up where they plan to have this arty farty month from middle Jan to Feb, culminating in a 1-2 day open air stage in school. I'm involved in my church production as a backstage crew member. My friend was teasing me that i'll most probably be quite useless coz i'm a GIRL and i'm SKINNY and i can't carry anything heavy. Sounds discriminating but it's true i don't think i can't carry anything heavy. Atleast i can carry lamp stands and rocks. :) I'm just happy to be part of it and i want to see how people in church work together on a production so tt will be eye opener and interesting.
sigh.. ok that's about it. they're still quarrelling. i'm getting tired and there's this tingly pain on my left shoulder... need to get out of the hall... (!)
krunchypeanuts...once u pop u can't stop...daily trivia with a dose of social responsibility...a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down...let's say we try...oh Lord how we try...
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