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Sunday, July 28, 2002

this is my predicament. today when i went to the auto-teller machine, it told me that the money that my mum has put in for my next month allowance has not come through. officially at that point in time, i had only $3.80.
i gave one buck for offering. thinking that i could call my parents later as they said they were going out for lunch. that means that i get a free lunch. zero bucks spent. i'm safe.

turns out.
i couldn't reach my parents. so i had $2.80 left.
i donated 20 cents to the guys standing by the road collecting change for charity. except my 20cents was not change to me.
i bought a $1 pastry for lunch leaving me what... crunching the numbers... $1.60 left.

just nice for a bus trip back home later, after a 2 o'clock meeting. my bf asks me how it feels like to be poor. hell. i told him. i've always been poor. just that no one really bothers to find out and i don't bother to tell anyone. and... the best part. i don't really look that poor. i'm typing this entry using the internet available in the library, that uses up my cash card. electronic cash that adds up to what..


it's gonna be one hell of a long day. i don't really know what i'm going to do. i have 35 min to spend. i'm in my sanctuary. the library. how ironic. that i didn't approach the church for help when i'm part of it. instead, i'm in a government building where the safe anonimity comforts me. if i approach the church, i feel embarass to even admit i'm poor. i feel embarass to say that my church friend owes me $8 i think.. the supposedly most liberating place on earth, the place where people are supposed to help the poor, look out for each other, for the outcast...

hmm.. then again, if i only opened my mouth to my "friend" and asked to borrow some cash for lunch, perhaps i won't be in this predicament. but the problem is... i know only many people in church, quite superficially. to me, that disqualifies me from asking them something as personal as money. i don't know. i'm just some freak here that my sister says i am.


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